bubble rapid prototyping

Rapid Prototyping a Patient Record System

My Role
Bubble UI Prototyping
2 months

Martin is a cancer survivor, with a long career in the Software Industry and had seen first hand the problems Doctors faced attempting to sift through and assimilate a full patient history.

Patient records comprise hundreds of biomarkers, years of blood tests, years of patient questionnaires, and gene marker analysis. Martin started with a database design and looked to use Bubble to prototype the UI.

Martin and I worked together to create Martin's vision in Bubble. The outcome was a lightening fast UI, within a single panel that a Doctor can swiftly dig deep into charted historical values, or skim broadly to see outlier biomarkers.

A particular Bubble design decision was to create within Bubble a denormalised database view, reducing Bubble DB access, creating a very clickable and swift user experience.