
Bubble Plugin - Google Analytics Multi Client Setup

My Role
Bubble.io plugin development
Jan - Mar 2021

Google Analytics for Single Page Applications (SPA)

With Bubble you can easily create SPAs, but then you need this plugin to add into your workflows specific virtual page changes, and get that information sent to Google Analytics. Otherwise you can not see any useful user engagement within your single page application, in your google analytics reporting.

60+ User Installs - 5* User reviews

The plugin does exactly what I needed. Setup was smooth, and the support is excellent. Clearly done with professionalism and experience in Google Analytics.

Perfect for giving Google Analytics access to users

Convenient Workflow actions for notifying Google analytics of GA events (and optionally to a second GA measurement id);

  • Virtual page views - This event signifies a user has viewed a page.
  • Set a custom user id - to your Bubble user unique code
  • Signups - This event indicates that a user has signed up for an account.
  • Login - Send this event to signify that a user has logged in.
  • Exception - An exception event is logged when the normal flow of an app's execution is interrupted.eg Missing parameter
  • Timing Complete - report the millisecond timing of something, eg "load" 3459 ms
  • User properties - persistent values for adding dimensions to your analytics, eg user tiers, user cohorts etc